
OO's Christmas Meet up a Great Success

A successful Christmas drinks catch-up for those who have recently left Oswestry School was held earlier this month, at The Bell in Oswestry. 

Over 25 of last year's cohort met up for a very jolly meet up thanks to organiser, Mrs Rachel Bowd.  The event was specifically aimed at making contact with our youngest OO's and catching up on their news. 

Several staff attended the lively event including Headmaster, Mr Middleton. 

Mrs Bowd said: "It was great to hear from OO's who have moved on to Universities across the UK including Cardiff, York and Manchester. Others have taken on apprenticeships and others have plans to study overseas. It was so lovely to see our recent leavers again. They all seemed very excited to see each other as there was plenty of talking, laughter and stories being told."

Rachel added "We are a small school, and all our pupils are important to us, that sentiment does not end when our pupils leave." 

Following the success of this event, there are plans to make a Christmas Drinks catch up in Oswestry a regular feature on the Old Oswestrians calendar. 


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