
Types of Legacies

There are five types of gift that can be included in  your will or in a codicil to an existing will. We recommend that you consult legal advisors before drafting a new will, updating an existing will or making other plans for your estate.

Residuary Legacy

A residuary legacy is the gift of the remainder of your estate (or a percentage of the remainder) after all other gifts to family and friends have been distributed and all other testamentary debts and expenses have been paid. A residuary legacy increases in line with inflation.

Pecuniary Legacy

A pecuniary legacy is a gift or specific sum of money. When making a pecuniary legacy it is possible for you to index-link the gift in order to ensure its intended value over time.

Specific Legacy

A specific legacy refers to the gift of a specific asset including stocks and shares or property, rather than a financial amount. These assets will be excluded from your estate valuation and are not liable for inheritance tax.

Reversionary Legacy

A reversionary legacy is a ‘postponed’ gift. It enables a named person to benefit from your estate during their lifetime and on their death, your estate (or part of it) then passes to Oswestry School.

A Substitutional Legacy

A gift of your estate to other persons which reverts to the School if they predecease you, such as Life Assurance. By taking our a policy naming Oswestry School as a beneficiary, you can provide a substantial gift for the School with relatively modest premiums.

Tax Efficient Giving

Oswestry School is a registered charity (No. 1079822) and all legacies made to the School are exempt from UK inheritance and Capital Gains Taxes. Under current rules, if you leave 10% of more of your taxable net estate to charity, the Inheritance Tax (IHT) rate on the whole of your taxable estate is reduced from 40% to 36%.

Oswestry School is registered with the Fundraising Regulator