11 year old Akaash Das has been added to the 2020-21 Swim England Para-swimming Talent squad.
12 juniors have been included on the pathway’s foundation tier this year, with 58 youngsters in total, from 49 clubs across the country, now chosen to take part in the first-class programme.
Martin Lees, Swim England Para-swimming manager said that the training this year will focus on bespoke land work, but he hopes that talent pool activity will return in 2021.
“The programme is based on athlete development online during September and December,” said Martin.
“There will be a focus on developing swimmers physical literacy, creating more efficient and effective movement patterns in the water.
“We also have psychology and nutrition workshops planned where the athletes will be able to see how this will help them in training, and to perform when it matters”.
Akaash and his coach, Tim Hastie, will now work to develop his potential.
Akaash’s mum, Hannah Das, said, “This is a wonderful opportunity for Akaash and will enable him to be the best that he can be. We are incredibly proud of him and look forward to seeing where this opportunity takes him.
“Oswestry School has always encouraged him, and we are very grateful for this support. I am sure he will work hard to meet the challenges of both this, and stepping up to the senior school in Year 7 in September.”